Methods: Cembrowski et al 2016 “Hipposeq”

Cell-types: Neurons

Brain regions: Hippocampus

Techniques: Genetic labeling; viral injections in utero; retrograde bead injections; manual cell-sorting; RNA-seq (pooled neurons) with HiSeq 2500 (illumina).

Age of mice: P26-P35

Data processing for BrainPalmSeq: Expression data were downloaded directly from and were not further processed.

Heatmap units: Fragments per kilobase million (FPKM)

References: Cembrowski, M.S., Wang, L., Sugino, K., Shields, B.C., and Spruston, N. (2016a). Hipposeq: A comprehensive RNA-seq database of gene expression in hippocampal principal neurons. ELife 5, e14997.

Cembrowski, M.S., Bachman, J.L., Wang, L., Sugino, K., Shields, B.C., and Spruston, N. (2016b). Spatial Gene-Expression Gradients Underlie Prominent Heterogeneity of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons. Neuron 89, 351–368.


Original data availability: GSE74985; GSE67403